Thursday, February 11, 2016

After Senator, Bernie Sanders, beat former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton by 22 percent in the New Hampshire Primary, some of the public suspected foul play and accused the Democratic Party's establishment of going against the will of the people. A petition was created to protest the Democrat's primary process. The petition states that this process is “undemocratic and fundamentally unfair to Democratic primary voters.”  Superdelegates became part of the nominating process to ensure the Democratic party had input on who the nominee is, but now the people are calling into question the judgment of the Superdelegates and whether they are actually taking what the people vote into consideration.

 I think that it is a very good idea for this process to be looked at deeper. It it is defiantly possible that the Superdelegates are hearing the peoples votes and that they are going in one ear and out the other. Because they have the power to choose whichever candidate they want it is perfectly okay for the people to be curious on whether their votes are being taken into consideration.
In class we talked about Superdelegates and how they have a very big influence on who gets chosen to be nominated. We also talked about how they are free to support any candidate for the nomination at the party's national convention and how they see the peoples votes but they can completely disregard them and choose who ever they like the best, which could be seen as corrupt.

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