Wednesday, February 24, 2016

In this article it discusses what political professionals are expecting to be one of the hardest-fought supreme court battles in a generation, the replacement of Justice Scalia. The white house has been calling in favors, asking the President's allies to not hold back in their condemnation of the Republicans for refusing to hold hearings to replace justice Scalia. Immediately following the announcement of Justice Scalia's death, The American Center for Law and Justice, organized a team to examine the backgrounds of potential nominees, and another team to see the Senate's procedural rules. This is going to be the entire progressive movement vs. the entire conservative movement. "Scalia was only dead a couple of hours when the rhetoric was already heated" stated the executive director of FreedomWorks, Curt Levey. Republicans accused Obama of hypocrisy because of when he voted to filibuster President George W. Bush's nomination of Samuel A. Alito Jr. to the court. Also, the law center posted a petition on its website calling for "No SCOTUS Nomination Before Election" which had more than 13,000 signatures by Wednesday morning. The Progressive Change Campaign Committee challenged that with a petition urging senators to confirm a nominee to the court with 500,000 signatures.

I think that this decision is a very important on considering it regards immigration, climate change, gun rights, campaign finance, health care, affirmative action, gay rights, abortion and many more pressing issues. I also think that it is unfair for the Republicans to stall until the election of the next president. President Obama has full authority and capability to choose the next Justice. What if the next president ends up being a democrat too, then this will have all of been for nothing.

This relates to out class content because we have talked about the contrasting views between Republicans and Democrats, and how it effects the government.  And without one judge the court ruling could end up being 4v4 which could definitely cause problems.

1 comment:

  1. Your class content paragraph should be 4-5 sentences.
